29 décembre 2005

Happy New Year from all at Vario

Like much of Europe we've had another big dump of snow over the last few days, and heavy clouds promise to send some more snow our way before the weekend is over.

Vario HQ is feeling very peaceful today, as many of our customers are closed, and except for Matt and myself almost everyone here has taken the week off.

It has however been a great opportunity to spend some time clearing out all the junk from my office, something I know I won't get round to again 'till this time next year. Those who know me (and my famous office) will know it's never looked so uncluttered...

In a disused filing cabinet I found a few old posters (1996 I think??) of World Champ Francois Dola - who is still riding for Vario in Masters category - like the one you can see here on my wall above the World map. In a fit of festive cheer I'll send one of these collectors items to the first person to post us a Happy New Year comment !

We've also been spending a bit of time talking through the 2007 and 2008 ranges - gazing into our crystal ball to try and work out what bikes to design next.

Whatever happens, we know 2006 is going to be a very busy year for us, with some great new riders on our team, some great bikes (did I mention our new Oxyd LT won a magazine "Best of Test" recently?) and some great rides too I hope.

So to our English readers: may we wish you a Very Happy, Healthy and Freeridey New Year!

(We'll wish a HNY to our French readers on Jan 1st - a little cultural difference I didn't realise!)